Monday, November 3, 2008

In My News

Good Day you crazy people who read this endless babble of mine, today I’ll be informing you of some news bits that have piqued my interest or otherwise made me do a double take and say “What the…” I will tell you about several things including “studies” that yet again state the blatantly obvious and yet took years to compile and probably millions of dollars in cost, a bit of news from the Christian Children’s Fund that includes a bit of irony and stupidity (funny how those things all go together most of the time), armed paranoids, and another reason to park smart.

To begin several studies were released recently including one that linked sexual content on television to teen pregnancy. Wow, what a shocker huh? Yet again a report that crazy censor nuts will grab onto and use as a reason to ruin even more television shows for the public. I’m sure that by making all television wholesome and delusional that teenagers will stop having sex on the sofa in the living room and instead go back to their rooms or the backseat of their cars. Television, the evil sex god of the 21st Century.

Now on to something I read about just this morning, GenCon ’08 a gaming convention (yes one of those groupings of nerds and geeks where people dress up as klingons and wookies) was held recently and like every year they held a charity auction. After raising over $17000 in this charity they made a donation in the name of Gary Gygax (creator of Dungeons and Dragons who recently passed away) to the Christian Children’s Fund (their commercials are the heart wrenching ones that talk about donating for pennies a day a child can have food) since it was Mr. Gygax’s favorite charity. However CCF turned down the donation because they did not wish to be considered an endorser of the GenCon which is a gathering of people who play, among other things, Dungeons and Dragons the role-playing game. Clearly the ability to roll dice and swing an imaginary axe at an imaginary creature is a reason to not help the children of the world. Imagination and Free-Thinking, always something to be looked down on by organized religion and their associated offshoots.

People here in Florida are rushing to buy their new handguns, shotguns, rifles, and assault rifles before the Democrats get into office and ruin their chances of waiting for better economical times to buy them. These wing-bats have gotten it into their heads that if the Democrats take over in Washington then all their fears of gun ban laws and other legislation to restrict their Constitutional right to bear arms will pop up and ruin their hunting experiences. I’m all for the right to bear arms especially if it is for self defense, defense of another, or to halt a violent act in progress but do you really need an AK-47 to take out that deer. Folks they suggest that you wear ear protection when you fire your guns, start doing so please so that you might allow some common sense related brain cells to heal up and start firing off a bit more often.

Recently a man accidentally ran over his wife, no really it was an accident. He hit the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal while parking. What was she doing while he was parking you ask? Well he was partaking in a ritual of the boneheads who think that backing into a parking space is a smart idea. His wife was giving him directions from outside the car while he backed into the parking spot. Moron. This guy is old enough to have learned by now, hopefully, that backing in doesn’t help exiting. Most parking lots have angled spots so that you have to go a certain direction down the lane to park safely and quickly; and even to back out of your spot and leave quickly which is the argument of “The Backers”. Can you see where I’m going with this? Angled spots, backing into them means more turning as well as travelling against the intended flow of traffic for that parking aisle. Just follow the flow, park, shop and leave. Or better yet park on the top floor of a parking garage and hit the wrong pedal while you’re up there.

Good Day and have a Purple Tomorrow.

1 comment:

WILLCALL said...

You are a wing nut and I love you.