Sunday, October 19, 2008


For those of you who are in the West Palm Beach area I will go ahead and say this right now, I’m sorry. I apologize for the long lines that I will most likely be the cause for on Monday, October 19th during the early voting times. I apologize now because this is my first time voting ever and I have no idea what I will be doing. Contrary to popular ideas among my online gaming friends I am not old enough to have voted for FDR, though I have been around for a few elections already. This will be the first time though that I have voted for anything other than in the Pepsi Challenge which I admit backing the wrong party in that one.
So as I go towards my booth with my brand new ballot I will be in a world unknown to me, paper punches, chads, and electronic beeps are sure to astound and confuse me. So I say this again, I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll convince the wife to buy me ice cream for being good afterwards. OH or maybe a chocolate shake, yummy.

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