Monday, October 13, 2008

Politics Part 2

Okay here I go again about politics but hey it has been long enough since my last comments on the subject and things have changed since then however my views haven’t since what has happened as only clarified how I feel. There have been debates between all the candidates and there have been comments made by both sides and by investigative groups. How will these things affect the outcome next month? Well how about we try and figure it out.
Barrack Obama and the Democratic Party have repeatedly said that they won all of the debates but so does the Republican Party. Now I did not see any of those debates since all they did was get in the way of useful television though they did not interfere with my schedule since I am usually watching cable channels (go Mythbusters) so my comments are based on what was said the next day on news channels and websites concerning the debate. That means that there are some things I probably haven’t read or heard but so what this is my blog so I can use whatever sources I want to.

I have come to believe that John McCain is a very honorable and nice man who truly wishes to help America in these difficult times and to change what has become a broken and ruined system. However I think that the Republican Party does his thinking for him and is the so called man behind the curtain pulling the switches of his entire campaign. I don’t think he wanted Sarah Palin as his running mate in this campaign and I don’t think he has forgiven his party just yet for such a hasty and foolish decision. I like that the bulk of what McCain actually says is related to what I think should be the real issues in a presidential campaign race; economy, taxes, and improving foreign relations. Unfortunately for McCain his running mate and the majority of his political party seem to have no problem what so ever in trying to bring religion, past choices, and even racism to the fore front of discussion knowing that there are many people in America who don’t have an open mind or seem to think that religion should run the government because of the wording of certain documents. Sarah Palin seems to delight in particular with bringing religion into her speeches especially when the supposedly controversial Roe v. Wade becomes a subject.

Though Sarah Palin has repeatedly said that she is not an ultra religious type of person even though she was raised in and has been recorded giving sermon-esque speeches in the church she is a member of. I don’t know what genius in the Republican Party thought she would be a good running mate for McCain let alone an effective Vice President of the United States because not only is she so religious that you can’t help but know for certain that whatever decisions she makes or laws she proposes or backs that she is doing so because it outlaws or makes wrong something that is against the rules of her religion. She would probably try to overturn Roe v. Wade simply because her religion insists that not just abortion but any type of birth control goes against the teaches of the bible and therefore should not be allowed. This is a woman who promoted and preached about abstinence being taught in schools to curb teenage pregnancy and did such a good job of it that her 17-year old daughter proclaimed her first pregnancy shortly after Palin was announced as the Vice Presidential nominee. Good Job.

The main reason that I don’t think Sarah Palin was McCain’s choice as a running mate is that he has said on many occasions that he is intent on changing the way things work in Washington and yet within days of her being named the Republican nominee for Vice President that information began coming to light about an investigation into possible misuse of her power as governor when she fired a public official for not letting go a state trooper who just so happened to be her ex-brother in law. Recently a bipartisan committee released a report saying that Sarah Palin did in fact misuse her power as governor when she fired that man. Of course as soon as she was asked about report she told reporters to read the report for themselves saying that it did not state that she had broken a law or done anything unethical. Clearly abstinence isn’t the only thing she has trouble teaching. When a committee releases an official report saying that you misused your powers as governor; a position that the public voted you into and that you swore, upon your precious bible as well, to uphold the laws of the state and rules of the land it means that perhaps nothing actually unlawful happened but ethics wise you did wrong. So again an outstanding feat of stupidity on the part of the Republican Party in choosing Sarah Palin, maybe next time they won’t just choose names out of a hat and actually look into the actions of their choices before finalizing it.

The Republican Party also seems to be campaigning extra hard in so called “swing states” lately as the election gets nearer, but not all of these states though. They seem to be pushing extra hard in states that historically are not the most, how shall I say this, “racially friendly”. Time and again lately I have heard reports about people stating that they refuse to even consider voting for Barrack Obama simply because he is a black man and now there are people who even after all that has been said and made publicly available to read or hear that they still think that Barrack Obama is a Muslim and since they think this they will spread lies that he negotiates with terrorists and that he might be a terrorist leader in disguise. Once again this all comes down to education. People who are so stupid and set in their ways that were taught by their parents who grew up hating others and now teach it to their kids. These same people who preach hate against those who are not like them in one breath in the same proclaim their patriotism to this country. This country which is based on being fair and equal to everyone still has people who think that only they belong on its soil, completely forgetting that their ancestors were not native to this land either. I wish that these ignorant foolish and hateful people would finally shut up and go to school. Go to school and learn how people from all walks of life have not only improved this country but improved the way of life of even those whiny stupid people who hate them. I’m going to go eat some bacon.

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